Major Bible Themes

Major Bible Themes is an outline course in Christian biblical doctrine and has been prepared as a teaching resource for pastors, teachers, and parents to instruct students in the foundational truths of the Christian faith and life.


Chapter 1 – Essentials for a Thematic Approach to a Study of the Bible
Chapter 2 – What the Bible Teaches About Itself
Chapter 3 – What the Bible Teaches About the Triune God
Chapter 4 – What the Bible Teaches About the Person of Jesus Christ
Chapter 5 – What the Bible Teaches About Providing Salvation
Chapter 6 – What the Bible Teaches About the Holy Spirit
Chapter 7 – What the Bible Teaches About Sin
Chapter 8 – What the Bible Teaches About Humankind
Chapter 9 – What the Bible Teaches About Angels
Chapter 10 – What the Bible Teaches About the Church
Chapter 11 – Bible Prophecy Fulfilled in the Past
Chapter 12 – Bible Prophecy Yet to be Fulfilled.